Parent/Child Mental Health Issues
Teen/Young Adult Challenges
Work-Life Balance
Socialization Issues
Sibling Rivalry
Co-Parenting Divorce
Bedtime Sleep Issues
Joanne Cuneo can guide you in becoming a confident parent while raising healthy, responsible children, in a positive home environment

Joanne Cuneo, LMSW Parent Coach
Joanne is a licensed social worker and parent coach with over thirty years experience working with parents and children. Her practice is conveniently located in Huntington Village, Long Island, NY. From preschool through the young adult years, Joanne coaches parents through periods of growth and challenges. With her coaching skills, parents can begin to create long lasting positive changes in their families. Services are offered in person and by phone.
5 Strategies to Digital Parenting
Technology and Social Media come with greater responsibility for parents in terms of monitoring their children’s use and time. Before you hand over the new iPad or cell phone, have a family discussion around how [...]
5 Tips to Help Calm an Angry Child
How can we help our child calm down after an emotional explosion? This is a question I hear from parents over and over again. Here are a few useful ways to help your child mange [...]
The Parenting Toolbox
6 Basics for Parenting your Child If you’re struggling with disciplining your child, maybe its time to go back to basics. 1. Set rules. All children need consistent rules and limits, so they understand [...]
5 Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health in Our Kids
As the focus on physical health has turned to prevention and making good choices, so too should our view of mental health, especially when it comes to our children. With the rise of teen [...]
Parenting Drug Free Kids
Parenting Drug Free Kids 5 Lessons For Parents Lay the ground work early, don’t wait until you have a teenager to start addressing the issue of addiction 1. Communication-Do all you can to keep [...]
5 Parenting Tips for the Anxious Child-Simple Strategies to Help Your Child Manage Stress
Some children suffer from stress and anxiety from the time they are preschool age, while others develop it in grammar school or the teenage years. Parents often feel unprepared and frustrated when trying to help [...]
Boundaries-Creating a Peaceful Home Environment-a Parent’s Guide
Parents often struggle in managing their childrens’ behaviors. Frustration and a lack of time also add to a growing inability to create a calm home environment. One of the essential tools in creating a [...]